is a learner, researcher, and
aspiring polymath.
I'm currently a sophomore studying math and computer science at Harvard, fascinated by all things stochastic, computation, and information.
I want to work on fundamental problems, those which propel humanity, human understanding, and human intelligence itself.
Most recently, that's meant quantum information, probabilistic programming languages, and randomized algorithms.
A wave and I said
to sky, as salt and
said bye to me.
Vagator Beach, Goa, India
Previously, I've worked on systems and fullstack in industry at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Marble (YC S19), and HKP.
I've published research on physics-informed learning (1,2) and computational diplomacy, with some fun research experiences in domain adaptation (Duke), sensitive variable sampling, and topological data analysis (UNCG).
Notable open-source work:
probability and analysis modules
an indie game studio
an online math ecosystem for TJ VMT
real-time chord detection in C++
3D ripple animation in react-three-fiber
Myrtle Beach, SC
In another life, I was a child actor at Sight & Sound Theatres, but Khanacademy's `p5.js` editor dragged me into game development. After a few games and videos, I founded an indie studio. I also love beach running, hiking, and climbing, though I'm terrible at the latter.